Saturday, October 22, 2011


See that you are the seeing--awareness itself.


To perceive presence is to understand presence. And to understand it, is to perceive it.


Your ordinary, everyday awareness is utter peace and limitlessness. Take a moment to see this sacredness before you, if you are pulled to do so. Nothing could be simpler. For you are That, right here and now.


There is no liberation or attainment--just a seeing or understanding of what has always been present.


You don't have to hold onto awareness until it "becomes" your natural state. Once recognized, it fully and unequivocally is there.


Self inquiry needn't be a prolonged endeavor. As you are reading these words, what is it that doesn't come and go? What is it that is there right now, as well as yesterday at this very time? Don't make this an effort or a drudgery. See the beauty and blessedness of the question. Allow the pause that it occurring right now to reveal itself. For nothing could be simpler than seeing what you are at this very moment.


You are Absolute Reality. But your attention is going to everything that changes and that appears to be more immediate. But what could be closer than the awareness from which all of those things arise?


It's meditation that's difficult, not nonduality!


You are not merely free, you are Freedom itself. You are the substratum of all existence! The universe--with all its grandeur, mysteries, and light-years distances--pale in comparison to your natural and ever-present state. This isn't hyperbole, but the bare, utter Truth.


Self-inquiry can't be practiced. It comes up naturally during the day or evening when questions arise, and you effortlessly pause to reflect upon them.


Existence, Consciousness, and Presence are three aspects of sentient beings. If our attention (through consciousness) overly focuses on Existence, there is pain, pleasure, and changeability. If that attention is properly brought to awareness, there is peace, stability, and limitlessness. Further, nearly all questions and concerns about Existence and Consciousness are then readily resolved.


News & Info

RECENTLY IN: Rodney on YouTube talking about "The Fundamental Thing."


I am now scheduling teaching events. If you would like to arrange something in your area, you may email me at:

I am also doing one-to-one phone consultations for anyone who is vitally interested in self-knowledge. Each conversation will take an hour or so, and donations of around $25 will be greatly appreciated.


Non-duality America published an excerpt from A Vastness All Around.


Tami Brady reviewed Vastness on her TCM Reviews page.


"A Vastness All Around is, hands down, one of the best books out there on nonduality. Thank you for all of your writing." --Alex Taylor


Here's a review of the Kindle Edition of Vastness on Amazon.


Nonduality Magazine has published a discussion with Rodney about his work and book. The extensive and wide-ranging interview was done by John LeKay, the magazine's editor.


"Loved the book, Rodney. Enjoyed it as much as John Wheeler's first book, Awakening to the Natural State. My favourite quote of yours was "you are no more your personal history than you are your toothbrush." I like the fact that you included little tidbits of your life and surrounds. It felt more like reading a book on travel or history than some of the other textbook style books on nonduality. I think for anyone serious about a direct approach, your book and John Wheeler's are the two to have." -- Ian


A Vastness All Around: Awakening to Your Natural State is Rodney's first collection of essays, discussions, interviews, and powerful pointers. It can be ordered directly from the publisher at Lulu Press.


Vastness is now available for the Amazon Kindle! Order Here.


And for the book's Press Release, click Here.


This blog is generally updated every Sunday afternoon, Eastern Standard Time.

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