Sunday, February 13, 2011


Look in the mirror at yourself. What is the presence that your image does not have?


You have to get to the point where you realize that, through your practices and activities, you are actually
doing rather than seeing. It's the recognition of your natural state that's paramount, not the endeavors that supposedly lead up to that recognition.


Because meditation teachers must continually prompt their students to stick with their sitting (which is often distracting, uncomfortable, and/or downright painful), there must be something inherently flawed with meditation as a means to self-realization.


Go beyond all answers, even beyond what I or any sage could ever say to you. See that you are pure awareness, Absolute Reality at this very moment. It takes neither a second nor a life-time for that realization to occur. For it is utterly timeless, as are you.


See your own truth, rather than chant, memorize, or recall ancient concepts pointing to that truth.


"Nirvana" is a beautiful Sanskrit word that originally means "to blow out" or "putting out fire." This definition is apt because with self-realization comes the exquisite absence of any burning desires or cravings for anything or anyone. Nothing out-measures the sereneness that you feel within you. It is, at once, profound, unwavering, and complete.


It's really not enough not to identify with the contents of consciousness. You must cease identification with consciousness itself, which is also just an arising in presence. Though that endeavor may sound tricky, it's not. It's instantaneous and occurs when you discern that your seemingly ordinary, everyday awareness is both radiant and limitless.


Always be mindful of the fact that awareness isn't being concealed. Neither is it something that you have to acquire or work toward. It is simply being overlooked. The more you give heed to this truth, the sooner you will come to see your own irrefutable reality.


Most meditators intone such blather as "It's the journey that's important, not the destination" because even they suspect, in their heart of hearts, that they will never come to a final understanding through their activities. So they go from experience to experience to experience, which is just a journey to nowhere. That's why U.G. Krishnamurti would sometimes exclaim the brutal truth to them with, "There is no help for you!" He would later soften and expand that to: "There is no help for you outside of yourself." And practices and methods are just that--attempts to look outside of what you already are. Thus, meditators are doing the exact
opposite of what they are intending to do!


News & Info

"Your book is a gentle guide to the vastness that is you." -- Dr. Joe Vitale, a star in the hit movie "The Secret" and author of The Awakening Course


"Loved the book, Rodney. Enjoyed it as much as John Wheeler's first book, Awakening to the Natural State. My favourite quote of yours was "you are no more your personal history than you are your toothbrush." I like the fact that you included little tidbits of your life and surrounds. It felt more like reading a book on travel or history than some of the other textbook style books on nonduality. I think for anyone serious about a direct approach, your book and John Wheeler's are the two to have." -- Ian


A Vastness All Around: Awakening to Your Natural State is Rodney's first collection of essays, discussions, interviews, and powerful pointers. It can be ordered directly from the publisher at Lulu Press.


Vastness is now available for the Amazon Kindle! Order Here.


And for the book's Press Release, click Here.


If you would like to meet Rodney, have him to discuss nonduality, sign books, or read, you can email him at: Such events are self-organized, so funding is key, with groups and universities that can cover travel expenses getting priority. And much appreciation!


This blog is generally updated every Monday afternoon, Eastern Standard Time.


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