Monday, October 25, 2010


The mind translates; awareness witnesses.


You are not a paradigm. Your essence
is transcendence and is completely beyond all philosophical constructs and theorizing.


I love what Bodhiharma said about the nature of reality: "Vast emptiness, nothing holy, nothing sacred." And yet that spaciousness is the very epitome of sacredness.


Despite some popular teachings to the contrary, awareness doesn't rise, nor does it occur because conditions are favorable for it. Awareness is what you are; thus we were given the classic nondual exhortation, "You are That."
See what it is that you are presently overlooking. That is what nonduality is all about. It couldn't be simpler than that.


You are spaciousness, not the thoughts, feelings, or bodily sensations that come up within it. If you take a careful look at this fact, you will be free.


Having transcended pleasure and pain doesn't mean that one doesn't experience pleasure and pain. Such a person still enjoys pleasure and seeks quick relief from pain. But now, there is no defined person doing this. It is the clear and natural actions of a particular body/mind entity, whose fundamental nature is awareness itself.


Even when picking up some of the old advaitic texts, my near-constant response, upon reading them, is "No, no, no," rather than "Yes, yes, yes!"


When you say that you can't be free of your body and your thoughts, you are already free of your body and your thoughts. For if you have the ability to perceive something, that means that your innermost nature is above and beyond that which it is perceiving.


Your spirit doesn't need awakening. It's not even "spirit." It truly is the sound of one hand clapping. And what is that sound? Right now, at this very moment, what is that sound?


What you are seeking can't be sought. It is there and fully present
before any attempts are made toward it. Allow your mind to be paused by this exquisite fact. Direct and poignant pointing can't help but stop your mental churning. You just don't take note of such timeless moments when they occur; nor do you see the fullness of them. And such moments take place many, many times during the day. So be alert for them, in a relaxed and easy manner. And perhaps you will come to see yourself in all of your sheerness and majesty.


News & Info

A Vastness All Around: Awakening to Your Natural State is now available. Rodney's first collection of essays, discussions, interviews and powerful pointers can be ordered directly from the publisher at Lulu Press.

And for the book's Press Release, click Here.


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