Monday, July 19, 2010


There is nothing to do, other than recognize or understand what is subtly present.


Becoming is the most vital thing in the world for seekers. But the emphasis on becoming--rather than on directly perceiving or understanding what already prevails--is precisely what keeps seekers on the unending road of attainment.


Don't necessarily look for a meaning to life. You're still in the conceptual and spiritual realms when you take those routes. Nonduality--a teaching that points to awareness proper--is thoroughly beyond any philosophical or spiritual framework.


All of your notions about Bliss, Moksha, Liberation, Enlightenment, and Transformation are keeping you from cognitizing your natural and ever-present state. By focusing on the aforementioned, you are centering on myths and inaccuracies, rather than on what is right here, right now.


Thoughts are only a problem when you attempt to stop, slow, or monitor them.


The "me," for the most part, is the imagined continuity thought. Instead of simply having a memory of previous ideas and emotions, you give them an aliveness, a reach, and--most important--a relationship. While thoughts are certainly central to our living and communicating with one another, they do not define us. What is the stillness from which all thoughts arise? Discover that glorious Quintessence for yourself.


Don't give presence any religious or spiritual baggage. It can neither be categorized nor sanctified. Yet, it is Sanctification itself. And you can come to this understanding just as easily on the toilet as you can at an ashram or spiritual commune. Indeed, I would say that the likelihood is far greater with the former, than with the latter.


This is key: The "I" or imagined person cannot get this. Self-knowing only happens in the
absence of thoughts and concepts. That is why the pause is so vital when it comes to this understanding.


When you truly love someone, the emotional component is only a small (but dynamic) part of the relationship. There is something else there that can only be hinted at, or expressed by a touch, a kiss, a caress, or a gaze. Then the words "I love you" are simply--and wonderfully--a pointing-to-presence. You are saying that you are magnificently attracted to that particular wave in the water, while fully knowing that every little thing---the lovemaking, the disagreements, the conversations, the laughter, etc--is just this one, big ocean of presence. What appear as separations are not. All is awareness, and you are That.


Mind Is A Myth, U.G. Krishnamurti tells how the search for enlightenment is akin to being lost in a jungle, in which there is little hope of finding your way out. "Night is fast approaching, the wild animals are there, including the cobras, and still you are lost. What do you do in such a situation? You just stop. You don't move." You stop by clearly understanding that self-knowledge is neither "attained" nor strictly found in exotic, faraway locations. It is your ordinary, everyday awareness seen in all its richness and subtlety. You do not move because you see, finally, that there is no where to go. This is what you are--peace and plenitude. Unerring sacredness.


The interview that I recently did for the new online publication,
Nonduality Magazine, can be found at the following link:

If the link isn't highlighted (or is highlighted but won't open), simply copy and paste it into your Subject line, and click.


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