Monday, February 15, 2010


Even the Psalmists urge, "Be still."


Yet, even stillness, silence, and sacredness pale in comparison to nonconceptual awareness, which is Absolute and has neither nature nor form. It is utterly transparent and forever cognitizing. And never, for one nanosecond, have you not been That.


There are no steps, stages, evolution, or spiritual "levels" to self-realization. Once this understanding occurs, it is fully known, in so far as it can be fully known. But what
is readily perceived is the sheer-clarity and immediacy of your natural state.


Smiling, Laughing, Loving, and Self-knowing all have one thing in common: No Thinking Required.


If you give emphasis to the mind, you are bounded by mind. See that all thoughts, doubts, and questions arise
within a subtle--yet magni-ficent--spaciousness that heretofore has gone unheeded. How unfortunate! For you are that! Just direct your attention there. Allow yourself to see and know the felt-presence of preeminent Reality.


To be conscious is to be
aware of your thoughts, environment, sensations, and existence. And you are that awareness, not consciousness. Why? Because consciousness--which, essentially, is a state of awakeness or alertness that includes dreaming, drowsiness, and deep sleep--changes. Thus, it can't possibly be who and what you truly are.


Pause...and find out what it is that
appears not to be there.


There is, of course, no one to awaken. "Awaken-ing" is simply a term or locution with which we use to communicate and to point to the inexpressible. Don't get overly concerned with words. They are, after all, only that: Terms of expression. The only time such terms become a priority is when some compassionate soul is attempting to direct you to your inherent Reality.


The mind can't be "emptied of the 'me'." That's one of those spiritually-bizarre statements that are bandied about by false teachers who want to sound authentic or impressive. The mind
is the "me." Thoughts, concepts, reasoning, and the sense of being a separate self are all arisings of that function that we label the mind.


what you are. You are awareness proper. Pause right now and look for it. You won't find a thing--that is, before the next thought or sensa-tion appears. But that no-thing was you! You...Are...That!

1 comment:

No One In Particular said...

Very nice Rodney. Still...people just don't believe's too simple. And those thoughts, the mind stringing it all together...they're just thoughts. Nothing wrong with them at all.