Tuesday, July 7, 2009


You are sitting. There is the awareness that you are sitting. You are Awareness.


You are no more your thoughts and body than you are the clothes you have on.


You can see yourself in the mirror. But can your reflection see you back? The same applies to your thoughts, feelings, and body.


One of the first things you realize after discovering who and what you are is that sacred and spiritual names, however beautiful, utterly fail to capture the vastness and resplendence of your timeless essence.


Understanding has nothing to do with comprehension. It is a felt knowing and seeing that you are presence itself.


Nonduality: "Neti, Neti." Neither this, nor that.


Awareness is not a concept. Neither is it something that is not fully present.


There is no you to "transcend" your body and mind. Self-knowledge is the recognition that there is a knowing sheerness already in evidence--thoroughly transcending your thoughts and physicality.


There is nothing that needs to be accepted, eliminated, or controlled. These are actions of a "divided" self. And at no time is there ever any division within you.


What is it that recognizes your body and apparent mind? If you would like a Question-of-the-Day, this is the ultimate one.


I love what U.G. Krishnamurti declared about practices and meditation. He said that not only do they take "you away from yourself, in the opposite direction," but that they have "absolutely no relation" to what you already are. And what you are is beginningless presence, which U.G. and Nisargadatta rightly called our natural state.

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