Monday, November 8, 2010


Consciousness is local. Awareness is non-local.


The "new awakening" is the old awakening. Or rather, there is nothing new or old about it. It is timeless and beyond all categorizations. Why some writers and gurus attempt to make this understanding into something contemporary is puzzling.


There is no expansion of awareness when it is recognized. That is one of those ridiculous notions put forward by teachers who have no clarity about themselves or nonduality. When true understanding occurs, awareness is seen as expansiveness itself. It is a sheerness that is completely without bounds. Even to talk of expansion and expansiveness when it comes to presence is to short change it in an almost laughable way.


Keep a dream journal if you enjoy your dreams. But such a journal won't help you to discern your natural state.


More often than not, meditation doesn't "quiet the mind." Rather, it tends to make thoughts more apparent. Why? Because all of your attention is on stopping the thoughts. And when that happens, you are prone to be more aware when any thought appears. Even when you say that you are simply "witnessing" the thought or just letting thoughts "come and go," there is this imagined person there attempting to do either thing. So you still haven't gotten any closer to who and what you truly are. You can easily go a lifetime in this nonsensical loop, and--of course--most meditators do.


Can love and devotion really be practiced? Or are they simply a spontaneous and unbridled outpouring from the heart? This is one of those spiritual questions for which the answer can be readily intuited, even if it cannot yet be clearly seen.


Self-inquiry is beyond "being spiritual." It is a clear and earnest pondering or investigation into your present and actual nature. There is no journey to be made and no practices to be done--just a peace and spaciousness to be recognized. Right now, as you're reading these words, you are seeing from, through, and at the solution for which you are seeking. This is your miracle, your glory, your effluence of sacredness: You are the answer. Don't move from this, because THIS is what you are.


News & Info

A Vastness All Around: Awakening to Your Natural State is now available. Rodney's first collection of essays, discussions, interviews and powerful pointers can be ordered directly from the publisher at Lulu Press.

And for the book's Press Release, click Here.


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