Wednesday, June 17, 2009


You are sitting. You are aware that you are sitting. You are Awareness.


In the above, you aren't meditating on anything. You are simply seeing what is already present.


A true sage or teacher continually points to the Ultimate truth, which is that you are not your body or your supposed mind. You are the spaciousness in which these appearances occur.


Asceticism, appeals for grace, recitation of mantras, yoga disciplines, meditative efforts, mindfulness, and even "choiceless awareness" won't help you to know who and what you are. If you feel drawn to these activities, by all means enjoy them. Only know that they do not lead to self-knowledge.


Consciousness="I am." / Presence="I am aware that I am."


To see and understand means to recognize one's mistaken identity with one's body and thoughts, the latter of which is simply learned or conditioned responses to your environment. That is all.


Don't be taken away by concepts. Your presence is immediate and eternal. Self-knowing involves neither concepts nor practices. Indeed, if this blog says anything, it is this: You are the answer--right here, right now.


When you have a thought, what is the whatness that is aware of this thought?


How marvelous! Our simple, everyday awareness is charan-amrita, the nectar of immortality which seekers overlook by going on sojourn after sojourn, and to teacher after teacher. See that you are your own lamp, to paraphrase the Buddha. And that there is no super-secret switch to flip; for your light is forever radiant, rich, and astonishing.

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