Saturday, September 17, 2011


What is it that knows that a thought is present?


Nonduality is a timeless teaching that points to Reality itself, which is nothing more than your ordinary, everyday awareness. Again, this is all that is being pointed to.


You have to see the absurdity of your own seeking.


There is no subject-object relationship with awareness. Awareness is all there is. Yes, thoughts, emotions, and sensations appear, but they are simply manifestations within awareness, as well as presence itself. It/You are the unchanging Subject without a second.


When you realize that there is nothing you can do about your normal thinking, there is automatic de-energizing of all thoughts.


Pointers have two functions: To point to Truth, and to negate what appears to be Truth.


Awareness can neither be perceived by the senses nor comprehended by the mind. It is totally beyond both. Yet, it can be directly known right now with some simple alertness or attention. So what is it that never leaves you? Ponder this. Sit with it until you perceive your own limitless glory.


The same awareness is in everyone. The I-concept (the ego, the momentary sense of an individual self) arises in me as it does in you. But here, there is little or no identification with it. (Indeed, its appearance is almost funny sometimes!) For I see/feel/know/understand that I am that unending spaciousness from which from which all thoughts, emotions, and sentiments arise.


As you go throughout your day, always be mindful of the fact that whatever changes cannot be you--that it cannot be who or what you truly am. And thus, be alert for that which Does Not Change. It's right there too--always has been, always will be.


You already are what you are seeking! Don't move from this fact. Let it resonate within you, fill you with its wonder. It is the keyless key to the Kingdom, which is your very own presence of awareness.


All thinking is a movement away from your natural state. That's not to say that thoughts are evil and should be squashed at all cost. Thinking allows us to function in society in a safe and prudent manner. It's just that when thoughts and emotions arise, your attention is momentarily on them. Bring your focus back to the presence of peace and expansiveness between your thoughts and responses. And this seeing and understanding happens immediately, fully, and with absolutely no fanfare. Yet, it is totally beyond anything that you could ever imagine.


News & Info

NEW: I am now doing one-to-one phone consultations for anyone who is vitally interested in self-knowledge. Each conversation will take an hour or so, and donations of around $25 will be most appreciated. You may contact me at to schedule a time.


RECENTLY IN: Non-duality America has just published an excerpt from A Vastness All Around.


Tami Brady reviewed A Vastness All Around on her TCM Reviews page.


"A Vastness All Around is, hands down, one of the best books out there on nonduality. Thank you for all of your writing." --Alex Taylor


Here's a review of the Kindle Edition of Vastness on Amazon.


Nonduality Magazine has published a discussion with Rodney about his work and book. The extensive and wide-ranging interview was done by John LeKay, the magazine's editor.


"Loved the book, Rodney. Enjoyed it as much as John Wheeler's first book, Awakening to the Natural State. My favourite quote of yours was "you are no more your personal history than you are your toothbrush." I like the fact that you included little tidbits of your life and surrounds. It felt more like reading a book on travel or history than some of the other textbook style books on nonduality. I think for anyone serious about a direct approach, your book and John Wheeler's are the two to have." -- Ian


A Vastness All Around: Awakening to Your Natural State is Rodney's first collection of essays, discussions, interviews, and powerful pointers. It can be ordered directly from the publisher at Lulu Press.


Vastness is now available for the Amazon Kindle! Order Here.


And for the book's Press Release, click Here.


If you would like to meet Rodney, have him to discuss nonduality, sign books, or read, you can email him at: Such events are self-organized, so funding is key, with groups and universities that can cover travel expenses getting priority. And much appreciation!


This blog is generally updated every Sunday afternoon, Eastern Standard Time.


Ta-Wan said...

Rings of Wei Wu Wei in those pointers.

Colleen Loehr said...

Excellent and very helpful pointers. The words clearly arise from presence and open awareness here to presence. Thank you Rodney.

Rodney Stevens said...

And thank YOU, Colleen. :)


agoraƩagora said...

hi, Rodney

read your words is like walking through the garden in spring.
I came here to smell the perfume of flowers, only that!
thank you for your presence in virtual mode, always bright.

much love,

Rodney Stevens said...

Much love to you also, Rejane. Your words are divine.


Kevin said...

Outstanding pointer Rodney!



Rodney Stevens said...

You're very welcome, Kevin!
