Saturday, September 3, 2011


Disregarding your body and thoughts, what is it that you were sixty seconds ago that you still are now?


With self-knowing, you don't reach the end of a path--the path disappears. You simply see that it was never there in the first place. It was your own creation.


Creativity occurs when there is no one to be creative.


As a body/mind entity, you encounter three basic states of experiences: Waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. But awareness is present in all three states. It is the substratum from which they arise. See it for yourself right now.


You don't have to continually "reawaken" and become "identified" with awareness. Once this recognition or understanding happens, that's it. And it is there without cessation. And why shouldn't it, given that this is your natural and existing state?


One of the occurrences from this understanding is that that aspect of my personality that compares has largely come to an end. I have no interest in, say, assessing the popularity of spiritual teachers or analyzing other teachings in relationship to nonduality. The only comparing I do is on a rudimentary level, when I'm grocery shopping or buying inexpensive books and DVDs on Amazon.


Zen gardens and sacred landscapes can be things of pause-worthy beauty. Explore them, if you are drawn to do so, allowing yourself to be attuned to the stillness not within the garden, but within your own being.


This understanding doesn't occur with the mind. The mind arises in it and can--in no way whatsoever--grasp or comprehend what surrounds it. All the mind does is respond to situations and perceptions, yielding thoughts, feelings, and assessments that pale (totally) in capturing the limitlessness and wonder of our natural state.


Spiritual stages are circumstantial, not cut in stone. With that said, the phases tend to be: Suffering, Self-Inquiry, and Awakening. But self-knowledge can occur at any time, even without one having the slightest interest in nonduality. One can be waiting for a train or picking up the morning paper when suddenly, "What the--"?


Awareness is already present. Allow that fact to be with you throughout your day: Keep coming back you, naturally and with total freshness. By "freshness," I mean that you are genuinely paused by the re-appearance of the statement, that it seems new. Now stay with the pause, allowing it to reveal the fulness of its presence.


News & Info

Tami Brady reviewed A Vastness All Around on her TCM Reviews page.


"A Vastness All Around is, hands down, one of the best books out there on nonduality. Thank you for all of your writing." --Alex Taylor


Here's a review of the Kindle Edition of Vastness on Amazon.


Nonduality Magazine has published a discussion with Rodney about his work and book. The extensive and wide-ranging interview was done by John LeKay, the magazine's editor.


"Loved the book, Rodney. Enjoyed it as much as John Wheeler's first book, Awakening to the Natural State. My favourite quote of yours was "you are no more your personal history than you are your toothbrush." I like the fact that you included little tidbits of your life and surrounds. It felt more like reading a book on travel or history than some of the other textbook style books on nonduality. I think for anyone serious about a direct approach, your book and John Wheeler's are the two to have." -- Ian


A Vastness All Around: Awakening to Your Natural State is Rodney's first collection of essays, discussions, interviews, and powerful pointers. It can be ordered directly from the publisher at Lulu Press.


Vastness is now available for the Amazon Kindle! Order Here.


And for the book's Press Release, click Here.


If you would like to meet Rodney, have him to discuss nonduality, sign books, or read, you can email him at: Such events are self-organized, so funding is key, with groups and universities that can cover travel expenses getting priority. And much appreciation!


John Wheeler's site is no longer up. But earnest and serious seekers can reach him at:


This blog is generally updated every Sunday afternoon, Eastern Standard Time.


agoraƩagora said...

Awareness is already present...
fulness of its presence...

Hi, Rodney

It's amazing!
your appointment simplifies and amplifies all ...

once again my gratitude, even though our friendship is virtual, our love is real.

Love relaxing,
silent love,

Much love from "yourself",

Rodney Stevens said...

Hello Rejane,

A virtual hug to you, my dear, for your elegant words and sentiments. I am deeply moved by both.

In teeming gratitude,


Ian said...

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions Rodney. The pointers have been great.



Rodney Stevens said...

Many thanks, Ian. It's always great to hear from you. :)
