Sunday, September 26, 2010


Seekers overly-stress the notion that they must somehow "look within." But awareness is both within and without. It is everywhere at once, immaculate and beginningless.


Awakening to your natural state is no "transformation of consciousness." Consciousness pretty much remains as it is, existing in its various states. If anything, it appears to function a bit better because you are clearer about who and what you actually are.


If everyone on the planet were to become "enlightened" tomorrow, conflict would continue--though wars would eventually cease. For people would be getting a supreme kick out of each another's company, because they would be seeing unadorned presence squarely in one another's eyes.


The "integration of the mind, spirit, and body" happens the moment you recognize that you are the awareness in which those things arise. It isn't any kind of "spiritual unfoldment," and it isn't anything requiring years of meditative endeavors or training. Alas, such suppositions are pure caprice.


This understanding is not a temporary "experiencing" of God. Rather, it is an actual knowing that God's presence and magnificence has always been in full evidence.


You don't require a vow or an oath to lead you to God or to Truth, which are the same thing. You are what you are. Thus the vow or oath would be something that's in
addition to your natural state of being. It's just a piling-on of ideas and verbiage, which have nothing whatsoever to do with what you are at this very moment.


Forget human and conscious evolutionary movements, and your need to join them and edify the world. Focus on what you are right here and now. Besides, how can you possibly help someone else if you don't have a clue about your very own Reality?


Why are you striving to be "at one" with your breath? That isn't going to help you when it comes to discovering your natural state. And just who, precisely, is this entity who is doing the striving?


Attempting to get rid of the ego is a spiritual and meditative trap. Why? There are a trio of reasons: 1) The ego is not a concrete, ever-present entity; 2) you are trying to use an imaged person to destroy an imaged thing; and 3) you are approaching the problem from a conceptual or idealistic level, rather than from Reality. Clueless teachers have fostered the myth that the ego (which is nothing but a temporary thought or feeling) can and does need to be annihilated.


News & Info

A Vastness All Around: Awakening to Your Natural State is now available. Rodney's first collection of essays, discussions, and pointers can be ordered through Amazon (starting Oct. 5th), your local bookstore (of whom we are big supporters), or directly from the publisher, Lulu Press.



No One In Particular said...

Hey Rodney, kudos on the book.

Rodney Stevens said...

Thanks, Beautiful. That's very nice of you. :)