Monday, March 1, 2010


Ask yourself, "Who am I?" Notice that the very first answer you get is stillness. Stay with That.


You are totally beyond all ideas and notions about yourself. Your opinions, learning, and apparent sanctity mean absolutely nothing to Presence.


At this very second, you are that ultimate, featureless Principle to which all the saints and sages have pointed. You are not your body, mind, or consciousness because all of those things are constantly changing (even as you're scanning these words). See that you are that imperturbable spaciousness that is
immediately before you. It is from this Stillness that thoughts, feelings, and worlds arise.


When it comes to nonduality, don't be afraid to follow your intuition. That, after all, is just another name for your heart.


There is nothing mystical or otherworldly about awareness. It is pure, perfect, vivid, and begin-ningless. It is totally beyond the staggering contents of the innumerable galaxies and any hypothesized multiverses. It's even beyond spirituality. Yet, amazingly, it is the most ordinary of things.


To know thyself is to know that your belief in a separate self is utterly without merit. You are a bright and beautiful wave on the translucent ocean of presence. There is absolutely no other wave like you in this sheer and eternal sea. Not one. Yet, you and the ocean are nothing but awareness. Never, for a second, have you not been this radiant, blue presence. Your depth and loveliness know no bounds. Truly, no description can approach you.


Take advantage of any times when you are naturally calm and quiet. It could be when you are at an art museum, on a natural trail, walking through freshly-fallen snow, or strolling along a beach. Allow for the timeless recognition of your luminous Self
by your Self. See that you are the seeing, the knowing, and the stillness.


Presence is both subtle and vivid, hushed and profound. Yet, it is not an experience; it does not move. What is it, right now, that is present, but does not come and go?


What you are seeking is not in your mind. There is a genuine, timeless
presence of awareness that is within you and before you at this very moment. Allow yourself to be fully paused by the beauty, enormity, and simplicity of this fact and pointer.


There really is no "correct" way to this under-standing. Everyone's personality is different. Some people would be helped by listening to or convers-ing with someone whose understanding clear and without doubt. Others would be aided by the pointers from and comments in nondual/advaitic books, blogs, and Web sites. And even after engaging in those conversations or perusing those readings, the person may leave them with little or no understanding at all. But then the person drives, say, to the car wash. And while sitting in the car-being-washed and pondering what was read or said a short while before, the person--suddenly and
completely--sees the luminous clarity that has always been fully present. Yes, it can happen exactly like that.


No One In Particular said...

Hi Rodney, as usual, fascinating, thrilling and bemusing pointers. So much trouble to realise that whatever seems to be happening and whatever seems to be aware of that - AKA reality - is what the seeker has been searching for. Those silly thoughts about it all...ignore them! Much love "to you" Rodney.

albert said...

Things that stick out:
"There is nothing mystical or otherworldly about awareness."
"What you are seeking is not in your mind."
"There is absolutely no other wave like you in this sheer and eternal sea. Not one."
That reminds me of the saying that no two snowflakes are alike - as a snowflake there is no other snowflake like 'you' in this eternal snowstorm. Still it's just a snowflake.