The Matrix:
--Wake up, Neo.--
See that you are only the seeing. Nothing else.
You never fully come out of deep sleep (which is awareness without thoughts, images, feelings, etc). Presence remains firmly in the background during your day-to-day activities, witnessing your varying states of consciousness, as well as radiating through them. Indeed, all is awareness.
Being in love is the closest thing that one can compare to self-realization. But it is a love that is wholly without deception, turmoil, disappointment, or end. There is no personal element to it at all. And yet, it is the most giving, the most intimate, and the most radiant of things. Its Adoration is fully present. It is love beyond Love: It is Love itself.
True Self-inquiry isn't a practice. It is, as the name implies, an inquiry that is allowed to easily unfold. Let us say you have the thought, "I am brilliant." What you're looking for is the quick, out-of-the-blue response, "Who is brilliant?" It is only when this response is natural and unexpected that it delivers a deep pause. And if you remain with that pause, you may see that there is no "who" present at all; but rather, a magnificent spaciousness that is both untouched and unborn. This is the Self-inquiry about which Ramana Mahashi was speaking.
You are not your thoughts, body, and feelings. You are the awareness that is aware of your thoughts, body, and feelings. Intuit the clear and simple reality of this, and you needn't concern yourself with attempting to cease identification with your physicality and concepts. This will happen of its own accord.
Four A.M. -- Coffee, Bach, email, blog-work, unfathomable beingness....
You would not be able to perceive that you are awake and conscious if you were not that that is prior to consciousness. Allow yourself to be halted by this glorious truth. Don't rush back to thoughts and thinking. Self-knowing is one of the sim-plest of things. There is absolutely nothing abstruse or theoretical about it. Nor is it anything that you have to strive for or achieve. Simply see what is being pointed to--an utterly peaceful and inherent presence that is prior to all thoughts and conceptualizing.
What is it from which you never move? It can't be your body, because--among other things--your body is clearly animated by something other than itself. It can't be your thoughts because your thoughts come and go. Ditto consciousness. What is, at this very moment, that is subtler than consciousness? Find it, see it, revel in it. This is your Reality.
You are already That which you are seeking. See this subtle whatness that is both before you and within you. It is pure intelligence-- sheer, knowing, and eternal.
Self-realization is the seeing or understanding that you are awareness itself. There is no need for you to practice, become, or achieve anything. That's the glory of nonduality, which is the ultimate Truth. And you, quite literally, are that Truth. It is supremely present at this very moment. It only appears not to be evident because you are overlooking it. Back up, back up! See that there is a felt-presence and sheerness that is prior to your changing states of consciousness. That is what you are! That is your essence and freedom. Do Not Move From This.
Hi, Rodney:
I'd like to quote this back to you.
"You are the awareness that is aware of your thoughts, body, and feelings. Intuit the clear and simple reality of this, and you needn't concern yourself with attempting to cease identification with your physicality and concepts. This will happen of its own accord."
I resonate with this a great deal because it is a gentle reminder of how to be. Seperating from the stream of thoughts, especially when the mind jumps from one thing to the next, helps to bring the calm awarness back into my experience, and I want to visit that place more often.
Erin Aislinn
Being IS. Doesn't need a "how to". That is the Clarity out of which Rodney appears and expresses. The One Mirror of YOU ... This is all there relaly IS.
So: THIS is what we are; THIS is all there is! As it IS! Wow. Too simple for mind to grasp ... you cannot own Space, and that ... Space, is nothing but everything! That's all ... Only Eveything!
And You in reality already KNOW This.
While there is NO "word" for This, I love to call THIS ... LOVE.
I Love You, Erin!
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