Monday, May 11, 2009


Your natural state is fully present. It is your ordinary, everyday awareness seen in all its richness and subtlety.


The mind is not a thing. It is a function, an appearance of thoughts, ideas, feelings, and images. There are other aspects of this functioning also, which include reason and intention.


During your next pause in thoughts, remain with what is clear and obvious: That transparent immediacy and sheerness that you heretofore have overlooked.


There is no person to be awakened or liberated. Your very nature is freedom and spaciousness.


It is all so magical, and yet so ordinary--this perfect presence of awareness.


Your sacred, nonconceptual truth is neither disguised nor in need of being attained. Don't believe those who tell you otherwise.


When there is seeking, there is movement and disturbance, neither of which can help you to see your abiding peace and stillness.


Your Buddha nature is the Christ within. It is also your natural state. These are just expressions that point to your fundamental Truth.


Ultimate freedom is knowing yourself as awareness. This requires no time or effort--just an understanding or seeing. You possess that limitlessness at this very moment


While sitting quietly in your chair, see that there is something in addition to the sensation of your body pressing into the seat. See that there is also (and ultimately) an awareness of your body sitting quietly in the chair. This awareness may manifests itself as spaciousness and presence. But it can't be missed. It is what you truly are.

1 comment:

Roeland said...

Thank you for your beautiful pointers. I must say that only after more then a year of reading non duality books I realised that this awareness everybody is talking about is not something mystical, strange and hard to find but my daily ordinary awareness.
I realised this while hearing a lecture on the site of Randall Friend and later reading your blog.
Your blog is probably the clearest expression of non duality that I have ever seen.
I know of many seekers who are in search for 'awareness' and do not realise that it is what they experience every moment of the day.


Roeland (from the Netherlands)